F3 Copley

Sunday Fun Run

Sun., Apr. 7, 2024

Covered bridge

Sun., Apr. 7, 2024 / 06:00 am - 07:30 am / Sand Run Park

Comeback Kid


4 to 8 miles of the best trail runnin’ that the CVNP has to offer! As usual @IcyHot continued to “modify” his way to the front of the pack! @Software and I took up the rear because we’re the only ones strong enough to pick up the stragglers .


Coffeteria followed at panera where @Flo joined us looking bright eyed and all that.  The discussion went in many directions and included: college choices,  @Software ‘s withholding tax info,  movies about sawing arms off with pen knives, etc… @Hardware was not there so we avoided the weekly discussion about a certain parcel of land on Boston mills road.