F3 Medina


Wed., Mar. 6, 2024


Wed., Mar. 6, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Pax worked in pairs, DORA Style, through the De-Escalation of exercises below. Resting PAX soft moseyed to 25 for the “REST” portion of the DORA and took partners place in count.

Exercise                               REST
200 Merkins                          10 SSH
175 Air Squat                        10 High Knees
150 OH Press                       10 Mountain Climbers
125 Curls                               10 Side to Side Hops
100 DeadLifts                       10 Butt Kickers
75 Overhead March             10 SSH
50 Low to High Plank           10 high knees
25 Manmaker                       10 Mountain Climber
20 Blockee                            10 Side to Side Hops
10 Grave Diggers                 10 Butt Kickers


QUICK, SLOW, SLOW.  OK, what is that??? If you read in the Book of James Chapter 1 starting in verse 19:James 1:19 Amplfied Version
Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful, thoughtful listener], slow to speak [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving];James encourages everyone to be QUICK to Listen, SLOW to Speak and SLOW to Anger. Bridging off @Fockers Monday message I pulled this COT from the past. Both when the kids were younger and still when older, that I really could have used this to temperment myself or a situation that I was in. Dually in dealing with our “M”s and Kids, I feel that this principle serves us well as the leader of our homes and try and be the type of man the is Quick, Slow, Slow. With the kids out of the house now, I find that I struggle with this with Donna. Especially when she wants to “help” me with a project….I really struggle to not get cross with her and the words from my tongue are biting…..Frustration turns to anger turns to comments made that you wished you could take back….
So…. Quick, Slow, Slow……