F3 Copley
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Tue., Apr. 19, 2022
KB Circuit
Tue., Apr. 19, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
-30 Second Ladder with the following,
round 1 = 2 reps of KB Swings (30 secs) and Merkins (30 secs). 1 rep of Goblet Squat (30 secs) and Burpees (30 secs).
Round 2 = 4 reps of KB Swings (30 secs) & Merkins (30 secs), 2 reps of Goblet Squats (30 secs) and Burpees (30 secs).
Repeat rounds until 20 reps of Swings and Merkins and 10 reps of Goblet Squats and Burpees. The 30 secs starts to go FAST!