F3 Copley

Running with Kettle Bells

Wed., Mar. 22, 2023

23 Minutes

Wed., Mar. 22, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Neck Rolls, Proud Chest & Collapse, Abe Vigodas, Tappy Taps, Hammy Stretch, Frog Squat Hold, Bear Squats, Mosey to field


23 Glorious minutes of Running with Kettlebells or Weighted Vest, 10 reps of your exercise of choice at each drop of the bell, switch hands and continue. Music by Metallica, Ozzy, & Van Halen at one end of field and Springsteen, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Eagles, Foreigner and AC/DC at the other.


Flutter Kicks, Pickle Pointers, Pass the Butter


Romans 12:16 talks about living in harmony with everyone, do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly, and never be wise in your own sight. In other words be in tune with everyone, don’t hold yourself out to be better than others, and your opinion is not the only one that matters. God loves harmony among His people and in His church, He sees no social class and welcomes everyone, and His way is right and true, not yours. F3’s values are right in line with this teaching. Free and Open to ALL men! Leave no man behind. Lead by your peers daily. Done together (in cadence – harmony), And so on and So on. That’s why I love this group! God Bless ALL F3 HIM’s today and all days. God bless you, my F3 brothers.