F3 Copley

Running with Kettle Bells

Wed., Sep. 27, 2023

23 glorious minutes

Wed., Sep. 27, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Icy Hot


arm circles, Michael Phelps, tippy-taps, Abe Vigodas, turn and bounce, flamingos


23 glorious, often soaking, minutes of running – with kettlebells, vests, both – with intermittent exercises of choice to music by groups with lead singers who have long-since passed.


Message today was about commitment as each man left their homes this morning under a falling rain that only strengthened on the way to the Q.  We all stepped out of our cars in a downpour and took the field thankful (or disappointed) that Cardinal didn’t open until 6:00am.  Each step toward the workout this morning was deliberate and represented a commitment to ourselves and each other.