F3 Copley

Sunday Fun Run

Sun., Dec. 31, 2023

Sandrun Pkwy

Sun., Dec. 31, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:30 am / Sand Run Park



7 pax showed to run or ruck Hawkins Hill 2 mile loop, which was more of a gasser than I thought.  Good work.Coffee topics:
1) Lifting programs
2) Which organs of the body were sellable.
3) Proper pyramid scheme etiquette.
4) College football is ruined.
5) Why can’t a punter perform kicking duties.All good stuff!  Happy New Year fellas, which leads me to relate a story from my UPS days.  I managed the Preload, where the workers would load all the package trucks lined up in a neat row on the conveyor line.  One year after New Years the drivers all were leaving in the morning and you looked down the line and saw one lone truck still parked. We came to find out that Dave the driver was killed drinking and driving on New Years eve.  I will never forget the sight of that lone truck left on the line.  Fellas, be safe tonight and have a Happy New Year! (edited)