F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., May. 26, 2022

Birthday Beatdown

Thu., May. 26, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Comeback Kid


-The kettlebell mile – pax used a variety of different sized kettlebells to do four laps around the track. It was hard yet rewarding.
-Modified Dora – 50 merkins/100 big boys/150 squats


Phillipians 1:6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. – This verse has been a beacon of hope for me as I have gone through challenges in my life. My hope for myself and everyone else in the group is that we see that we are works in progress and that we can come through our life challenges as individuals that can be changed for the better.