F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Jun. 16, 2022

Mayhem’s Mayhem! DORA STYLE

Thu., Jun. 16, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Partner Up – Preferably 1 Gazelle and 1 Clydesdale

Line up on the sideline.

Both PAX run 3 laps around the track then start the first Dora exercise of 100 coupon merkins. (You do not need to wait for both partners to finish the laps to start the reps)

While PAX 1 performs exercise, PAX 2 runs to other sideline and back. PAX alternate until 100 reps completed.

Once exercise 1 reps are completed, both PAX run 2 laps.

Upon completion of laps, PAX complete 200 coupon curl presses in Dora fashion, alternating with sideline to sideline sprints.

Once exercise 2 reps are completed, both PAX run 1 lap.

Upon completion of the lap, PAX complete 300 coupon squats in Dora fashion, alternating with sideline to sideline sprints.

Once exercise 3 reps are completed, both PAX run 1 lap to finish workout.

We’ll pull this one out again on a Saturday when we have those extra 15 minutes to complete the workout.


Today was a hard one, but I truly hope you all had as much fun as I did out there. My thought of the day is to just have as much fun as you possibly can, even when things are hard.