F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Jul. 21, 2022

Garcia’s last post before vacation, Time to GET SWOLE!

Thu., Jul. 21, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Side straddle hops x25
Neck rolls
Arm circles
Michael Phelps
Seal claps
Cossack stretch


Bring Sally Up – Merkins

DORA style:

100 shoulder presses
Partner runs goal line to goal line

100 squats
Partner bear crawls to 20 and crawl bears back

200 curls
Partner runs goal line to goal line

50 burpees
Partner lunges to 20 yard line and back

Burnout big boys

Finished with Indigenous peoples’ run: 2 laps


Think about our priorities. May what’s most important (our relationship with the One who made us – Jesus) be most important to us.