F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Dec. 29, 2022


Thu., Dec. 29, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Comeback Kid


We started at the corner of the endzone and bear crawled down the side line to the 50 yard line and then circled up. The Pax did the prescribed hold while going around the circle taking turns doing 10 reps of the exercise. We bear crawled all the way around the field stopping every ~50 yards to do the exercises.

Bear crawls merkins 10x Plank
Bear crawls squats 10x squat hold
Bear crawl Russian twist v up hold
Bear crawl lunges x10 Lunge hold
Bear crawl dip x10 dip hold
Bear crawl sit ups x10 sit up hold


My thought was simply an expression of gratitude for the push that you guys give me and each other. Getting up early most mornings is easier knowing that the accountability and encouragement is there from the group. Keep after it, fellas!!!