F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Feb. 19, 2024

1950 Championship Game:

Mon., Feb. 19, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



4min of Sun Salutations performed without any Sun, Arm swings, MPhelps.


1950 Championship Game:
Browns 30  Rams 28
4min Tabata- 20sec on 10 off
1) Jump Squats/Merkins
2) Jump Squats/SSH
3) Flutter Kicks/ Jump Squats
4) Flutter Kicks/ Big Bois
5) Flutter Kicks/ Merkins
6) Coupon Presses/ Merkins
7) Monkey Humpers/ Merkins
8) Dips/ Jump Squats
Did not get to final score due to time.


My words for the day centered around what happened last weekend.  As most of you know several of us went to a house to help a single mother clean up the yard and get her house ready for sale.  When we arrived we shocked to see a 1.2 million dollar house and a 57 year old women.  Not exactly what we pictured when we signed up to help.  I know I have been telling this story to most of you and complaining about it.   This weekend I listened to a podcast with Travis Mills, a war veteran, a quadruple amputee, and motivational speaker.  He was asked how can anyone even approach him with their own problems when his are so monumental.  The trick he says is to realize: your problem is the greatest problem.  Each of our own problems carry the same weight to us regardless of the context.  This has helped me have sympathy for this woman and silence my discontent.
(I can hear most of the coffee club go “thank God” ).  Thanks for lead today men, have a great day.