F3 Copley
The Motivator
Mon., Aug. 7, 2023
Garcia Last Minute Plan
Mon., Aug. 7, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
Arm Circle X15, Michael Phelps OYO, Tappy Taps X10, Abe Vigodas X10, Flamingos
Mosey the long way to grab coupons
20 Reps of every exercise decreasing by 5 every round (20,15,10,5)
Run one lap in between each round and everything is done in cadence
- Decline Merkins
- Jungle Boy Jump Squats
- Merkins
- Monkey Humpers 4 count
- Incline Merkins
- Coupon Squats
- Dips
- Curls
= 50 reps of each exercise plus .75 miles of running (1 mile if you count the mosey)
Heels to heaven X20
TOD appreciate the time you get to spend with your kids, it will never be long enough.