F3 Copley

WOD Friday

Fri., Feb. 17, 2023

Ruck It!

Fri., Feb. 17, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



OYO leg, hip and back stretches


a nice blustery 2.5+ mile ruck through the neighborhood south of the school, stopped along the way to complete 50 Merkins with ruck sacks on. Lots of mumble chatter about this and that.


continue to pray for all petitions mentioned in back blasts all week. Pray for unmentioned needs. Thought of the day is to change our mindset to we “get to” instead of we “have to”. We don’t have to get up to come out in the gloom, but we get to, we don’t have to be dads, but we get to, we don’t have to be husbands, but we get to. The Lord gives us breath each morning and we get to do His will. The “get to” burden is light compared to the “have to”. The “get to” mindset is one of joy and confidence. The “have to” mindset is one of heavy burden and glum. Be one with a “get to” mindset.