F3 Copley

WOD Friday

Fri., Sep. 16, 2022

Friday fun With(out) Finch

Fri., Sep. 16, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Icy Hot


@Finch – less Friday/Modified Murph style:

Started with our 1mile warmup run and cycled through:10 pull/chin/jump-ups
20 merkins
30 air squats

AMRAP until it was time to finish with a second 1-mile run.


Thought of the day based loosely on Best of You, by Foo Fighters.  One thing I’m trying to do better is to make sure I’m trying to be my best self at all times.  Often, I’m working to be my best at work and at F3 and giving “good enough” at home, particularly with my kids away at school.  It’s reminder to make sure that everyone should get the best of you or the best you can give each day.