F3 Copley

WOD Friday

Fri., Dec. 30, 2022

Mod Murph

Fri., Dec. 30, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



After a quick warmup, we ran 2 laps around the track and then completed 10 rounds of the following:

– 7 pull-ups
– 15 merkins
– 30 squats

We finished the workout by completing the mile around the track.


My message for today is about New Years resolutions. If you’re looking for something wholesome to add to you daily routine for the year, my suggestion is to add 5 minutes of prayer time at some point throughout the day. That will add up to over 30 hours of time spent on conversation with God throughout the year. Imagine how fruitful that could be!