F3 Hudson

The OG

Sat., Mar. 23, 2024

Intro to Dora

Sat., Mar. 23, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Christ Community Chapel



Typical Dora format.  One PAX did an exercise while the other ran approximately 100 yards.  Switch-a-roo until the requisite number of reps is achieved.
100 Merkins
150 OH Press
200 Curls for the Girls
250 Tricep extensions/Dips
300 Chest press
350 Squats


Same format, 50 Big Boys, 75 American Hammers, 100 LBCs


Mark 1: 15
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”  With Holy Week upon us, I thought this appropriate.  The Good News is that Christ has risen!  This makes it a very appropriate time to repent, as we are all forgiven our sins, thanks to God’s ultimate sacrifice.