F3 Medina


Wed., Jan. 20, 2021


Wed., Jan. 20, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Cones at the 25 -yard, 50-yard and 25-yard lines. Sprint to the first cone and complete 6 reps of exercise…sprint to the second cone and complete 6 reps of exercise…sprint to the third cone and complete 6 reps of exercise. Sprint to end line and turnaround and come back to third cone and complete 6 reps of exercise…Sprint to second cone and complete 6 reps of exercise…. sprint to first cone and complete 6 reps of exercise. Sprint to end line. High Plank until six is in.

BEAST #1 – No Coupon
6 Merkins at each cone

BEAST #2 – Take Coupon with you!
6 Squats with Coupon at each cone

BEAST #3 – No Coupon
6 LBCs at each cone

BEAST #4 – Take Coupon with You!
6 Curls at each cone

BEAST #5 – No Coupon
6 Monkey Humpers at each cone

BEAST #6 – Take Coupon with You!
6 Overhead Presses at each cone

BEAST #7 – No Coupon
6 Merkins at each cone

BEAST #8 – Take Coupon with you!
6 Squats with Coupon at each cone

BEAST #9 – No Coupon
6 LBCs at each cone


You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years.
And get pats on the back as you pass.
But your final reward will be heartache and tears.
If you’ve cheated the man in the glass.