F3 Medina


Wed., Jan. 26, 2022

3 Stations

Wed., Jan. 26, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • Motivator
  • Calves
  • Hammies
  • Pecs


Pax performed the following:

Station 1: 20 merkins, 20 sit ups, 20 Bonnie Blairs, 20 single leg bent lat raises and repeat for 8 minutes

Jog to next station

Station 2: 20 pike merkins, 20 bicycles, 20 jump squats, 20 burpees and repeat for 8 minutes

Jog to next station

Station 3: 20 merkins, 20 ankle taps, 20 squats, after two rounds add 20 burpees to the cycle and repeat for 8 minutes

Jog back to starting point


Back stretches


We have a moral obligation to be happy and joyful to those around us, family, friends, coworkers.