F3 Medina


Wed., Mar. 17, 2021

The BEAST! (Part II)

Wed., Mar. 17, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Cones at the 25 -yard, 50-yard and 25-yard lines. Sprint to the first cone and complete 6 reps of exercise…sprint to the second cone and complete 6 reps of exercise…sprint to the third cone and complete 6 reps of exercise. Sprint to end line and turnaround and come back to third cone and complete 6 reps of exercise…Sprint to second cone and complete 6 reps of exercise…. sprint to first cone and complete 6 reps of exercise. Sprint to end line. High Plank or Squat until six is in.

BEAST #1 – No Coupon

  • 6 Merkins at each cone

BEAST #2 – Take Coupon with you!

  • 6 Squats with Coupon at each cone

BEAST #3 – No Coupon

  • 6 LBCs at each cone

BEAST #4 – Take Coupon with You!

  • 6 Curls at each cone

BEAST #5 – No Coupon

  • 6 Monkey Humpers at each cone

BEAST #6 – Take Coupon with You!

  • 6 Overhead Presses at each cone

BEAST #7 – No Coupon

  • 6 Merkins at each cone

BEAST #8 – Take Coupon with you!

  • 6 Chest Presses

BEAST #9 – No Coupon

  • 6 LBCs at each cone