F3 Medina


Wed., Apr. 24, 2024

Failure IS an option

Wed., Apr. 24, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



The morning started with a one lap mosey to get the blood flowing followed by general stretch.
Failure IS an option consisted of the following 4 rounds:
-Bring Sally UP ( in either PushUp or Plank form)
– 5min block carry on the stadium steps
– 4 rounds of Balls to the Wall in 1 min ON/ :20 Rest format
– 4 rounds of Wall-E Sits in 1 min ON/ :20 Rest format


LBC to Failure (stopped at 99)

Plank to Failure


In the spirit of being present with the people we love, when we are with them, spoke to the group about a rare day off yesterday that I spent with my wife. We had some time to kill and I surprised her by finding an antique/ second hand store and taking her there to kill some time. My normal response to her asking to stop at one would always have been met with “ Do we have to???”. But when we pulled into the store an she realized where we were going all she said was “ Really?? We are going here?? I LOVE YOU!!” Job done… It was a simple reminder to me on the time and, realistically small effort, that it takes to pour into our marriages. TAPS for @French Lick with his Dad on successful Pacemaker procedure and pending time to recover with his sister, Congrats to @Mr. Clean Clean on new job as Superintendent at Revere Schools, @Cadet wants some company at Medina Fun Run, and CELEBRATION for @Dash on 25th Year Anniversary