F3 Medina


Wed., May. 1, 2024

Badass Bleacher Bros

Wed., May. 1, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Dynamics together and then 5 min of static stretchy stuff OYO


Started with PAX on the bottom of bleachers to prepare for a series of exercises up and down stairs. Long stairs match short stairs for distance traveled
*PAX completed 2 minutes of compass plank between each stair set with Q calling random positions for plank and cardinal directions to pivot to.

Set 1
Incline Merkins all the way up with alligator type movement
Derkins on the way down

Set 2
Squats up. 1 for each stair.
Alternating lunge on down.

Set 3
Crawl Bear up
Bear Crawl down

Set 4
In and Outs up
In and Outs down

Last 2 minutes was running up and down bleachers and completing 5 burpees every time we reached the bottom.


Minutes of Mary was 10min worth of planks baked in – not to mention all the core strength it took to scale the bleachers on our hands and knees.


Marriage requires proximity and purpose to succeed. It transforms a man from a selfish Happiness-junkie into a selfless Joy-seeker. The difference between happiness and joy in that the former is fleeting. It’s only a temporary high that quickly disappears. Joy is content satisfaction while happiness is a fleeting feeling affected by outside circumstances. The HIM knows if he fails at his M, nothing else he does will matter.  – slightly modded from the F3 nation post.
Inspired by Eccl 9:9 – Love selflessly. Look at any meaningful inner circle relationships in your life through a selfless lens. Stop thinking of the relationships as give and take and quit approaching them with the idea that there should be 50/50.
Allowing for compromise, allowing for this idea of fairness and equality in our most intimate relationships also allows for negative thoughts to creep in and to think about whatever we are owed. What should we be owed for our hard work, dedication and service to our family? What’s due to us for all the work we do? Rather, look at each relationship as a gift…and give more of yourself than is expected of you.
My wife and I had a conversation at the table yesterday about how much she does for our family. How she feels guilty a lot of times because I do more – her words, not mine. This quickly can spiral into feeding her anxiety and depression. It gets in the way of the things she wants to do for our family, and she continues to build this ever-crippling web of self-doubt and worthlessness in her head. She thinks of herself as a mediocre mom and a terrible housewife. Rather than focus on those negative thoughts, I pulled out examples of times that she has been our anchor while I’m at work, or when the kids were needing that extra nurturing love that I feel only a mother can give. There have been countless times she has grounded me through my stress, my anger, and my impatience with our children. She helps guide me to be a better father and husband. We each bring special gifts to the relationship, and there is no competition or 50/50 agreement. It’s just give. Give and give and give some more, and love your wives and your children with your whole self. The reward and the debt we are owed has already been given and paid through the joy we bring to our most treasured people in our lives. Be the rock and the foundation of a man in your family. Be the type of man who knows that those closest to him feel and in their hearts that they can turn to him no matter what. Be the man whose family knows that he will be there for them selflessly and always.
*Special appreciation and thanks to @Rad and @Padre for steering me towards the five love languages book at our coffeeteria last Sat. It’s ordered and ready to be delivered by Friday.