F3 Medina


Wed., May. 29, 2024

The Brutus Blastoff!

Wed., May. 29, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Typical stuff in east end zone


PAX Sprinted until they lost power, then did their choice of 7 merkins or 3 burpees, returned to the goal line, and repeated again, and again, and again…


LBCs x50, Side Crunches L x25, Rx25


PGA Golfer Grayson Murray committed suicide last week.  He was 30 years old.  His parents made a unique request that struck me, “Say something nice to someone in your life today.  Heck, say something nice to someone you don’t even know.”  The PAX went around the circle, and said something nice about the man to their right.  I have to say, I was blown away by the thoughtfulness of the comments.  There was some vulnerability shown, there were some laughs, and their was genuine respect for one another.  It was easier for some of the guys who have been around each other for a long time, and tougher for some of the guys who may not know each other on a personal level yet.  I was struck by @Redman‘s sincerity, @Solyndra‘s expressing how welcome he’s been made to feel, and @Padre‘s explanation of moving from Ruck to Beatdown, and the different levels of commitment they require.  Very nice work by every man in the group!