F3 Medina


Wed., Jun. 9, 2021

Bleacher Report – HIIT 45/15

Wed., Jun. 9, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  1. Lunge jumps
  2. Incline Merks with side crunch
  3. Bleacher jump
  4. Kick up / dip combo
  5. 180 bleacher jump
  6. Bleacher bug
  7. Squat up – leg lift right
  8. Push-ups with a side crunch
  9. Squat up – leg left left
  10. Kick up / dip combo
  11. Bleacher step up/down Left leg
  12. Bleacher bug
  13. Bleacher step up/down Right leg
  14. Bleacher Run Left Leg only
  15. Bleacher Run Right Leg only


Around the horn:

@Money – Pass the Butter
@Wall-E – Freddie Mercury Holds
@Barnum – Low Plank hold (1 Min)
@Forrest – Descending Big Boy (slow count)
@Shugah – 6 Inch Holds with Heels to the Heavens
@Squealer – Flutter Kicks
@Brutus – Toe Taps


1 year anniversary!