F3 Medina


Wed., Jun. 16, 2021

The Hills are Alive… with the Sound of Music

Wed., Jun. 16, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



  • Butt Kickers (in place)
  • High Knees (in place)
  • Crossover Bends (L/R)
  • Runner’s Stretch (L/R)
  • Side Leg Stretch (L/R)
  • Turn and Bounce (IC)
  • Arm Circles (15…er…10..er…15 count)
  • Necks


Partnered up w/ one coupon per person and met at the hill. We did a series of exercises alternating which partner did the hill exercise and which did the base until the song ended.

Hendrix – Voodoo Child – 5:13

  • Up/down (x2)
  • Front coupon raises w/ 5 count pause at top

GNR – Sweet Child O’ Mine – 5:55

  • Backwards up/clock merkins (5 reps at each quarter turn)/forwards down
  • Block squat holds

Zeppelin – Black Dog – 4:55

  • Lunge walk up / lunge walk down
  • Into the great abyss merkins (two blocks / slow decent into the middle until body touched ground)

Stevie Wonder – Superstition – 4:26

  • Backwards bear crawl up / forwards bear crawl down
  • Single arm curls / 5 counts each arm (modification = regular curls)

Hendrix – All Along the Watchtower – 4:00

  • Rifle carry up / down — or — farmers carry with 2 blocks up/down
  • Mountain climbers


…a fulfilled life is directly related to the relationships we cultivate