F3 Medina


Wed., Jun. 26, 2024


Wed., Jun. 26, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



We performed a loop where modifications/breaks required a set of burpees to buy back into the workout.

50 yard bear crawl (5 burpee penalty)
50 yard lunge walk (5 burpee penalty)
Mosey across field to bleachers
8 flights of stairs (10 burpee penalty per half.. 20 total)
Mosey across field to repeat

We got three rounds in before picking up the 6.

@Slow Pitch kicked ass and got in a bonus round while @Padre ran about 88 extra flights of stairs give or take…

VERY few burpees were done.


100 butterfly crunches / 50 per side


Golfing with my son and his grandpa this weekend, we were waiting on a par 5 to hit our second shot… I said, “this is my least favorite shot on the course… waiting to hit when you have people waiting on you… and there is only a sliver of a chance you come close to the green… to then  completely duff it and make an ass out of yourself…”

My ex-father-in-law replied, “isn’t that a perfect metaphor for the challenge of life… you spend your time looking in the past (the people behind you), getting you anxious about the future (your upcoming shot) to only screw up the present (obviously, the duff)”

He’s a wise man.