F3 Medina


Wed., Oct. 12, 2022


Wed., Oct. 12, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School




PAX lined up on the West Goal Line. We performed one exercise on the goal line with coupons, ran 80 yards to the opposite 20-yard line, did 10 merkins, army crawled 20 yards and did another exercise at the other goal line.
We completed four sets of exercises, two rounds of each:

Set 1
– 25 Overhead Press
– 80 Yard Run
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Yard Army Crawl
– 25 SSH
Set 2
– 25 Curls
– 80 Yard Run
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Yard Army Crawl
– 25 Pickle Pointers
Set 3
– 25 Dips
– 80 Yard Run
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Yard Bear Crawl
– 25 LBC’s
Set 4
– 20 Lawnmowers (10 each hand)
– 80 Yard Run
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Yard Mosey
– 25 SSH

I’m not sure how high our heart rate got, but think it was pretty high.


– Captain Thor’s
– Plank
– Side plank – left
– LBC’s
– Side Plank – right
– Low Plank


“Play Hard, Have Fun, I Love You”
These are the three things I say to my girls, before they play a game or match. When they began playing sports, I made a conscious decision to not be the parent that yells from the sideline/stands. I will cheer for their good play, but never yell criticisms. I want them to enjoy playing sports and to never be stressed to see me in attendance.