F3 Medina
Forrest’s Fun Run
Tue., Aug. 15, 2023
AI Root
Tue., Aug. 15, 2023 / 05:15 am - 05:45 am / Medina Pavillion
@Radio was a late non committal who showed up and put in the pre ruck ruck ruckless… Glad to see him easing up a tad for recovery. @Shugah took the lead and never looked back, until he realized none of us followed him on his rogue run. He missed the pre run directions . The rest of us managed 3 miles mostly together. Good to get @Brutus back after a brief illness. And @Donkey putting the boots to the pavement as he regains his running prowess.Big shout out to the county commissioner @Squealer for at least installing a port o Jon for us at the revamped pickleball court / AI Root run meet up spot. It was put to use by a few members this morning