F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Jan. 12, 2024


Fri., Jan. 12, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Iron Hulk: One set of 1 Merkin + 4 Air presses, run 25 yards, burpee and return, wait on the 6 and add a set. Repeat until 10 Merkins + 40 Air presses
Leg Hulk: One set of 1 Bonnie Blair + 4 Squats, run 25 yards, burpeee and return, wait on the 6 and add a set. Repeat until 10 Bonnie Blairs + 40 Squats
Ab Hulk: One set of 1 Big Boy + 4 LBC, run 25 yards, burpeee and return, wait on the 6 and add a set. Repeat until 10 Big Boys + 40 LBCs


Quote: “The magic you’re looking for, is in the work you’re avoiding”. I came across this quote last week that seems to be making the rounds on social media recently, I found to be impactful. The quote can be interpreted any number of ways but their were two things that jumped out at me when I read it. The first was related to procrastination. We all have things in our lives weather it be related to fitness, our personal relationships, our careers, etc,  that we avoid doing that we know we should be doing or require us to put forth a little more effort or focus and yet we procrastinate doing the work.  The second thing was about the journey. We’ve all heard the old saying that “It’s not about the destination, It’s about the journey”. In essence, the journey or the work is were the real satisfaction and reward is found.