F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Jan. 26, 2024

The Go Show!

Fri., Jan. 26, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Set up on the goal line. All exercises OYO timed for 5 minutes each. Do 5 reps fast, 5 reps slow and back to fast again, continue until failure “No-G0” then recover with a run to the 50 and back. Continue for five minutes.

  1. Merkins – run to the 50 and back. Repeat until time expires
  2. OH press with coupon to failure – run to the 50 and back
  3. Curls – to the 50 and back
  4. Dips or tricep extensions – to the 50 and back
  5. Last set do each exercise until failure running to the 50 and between each.


Big boys, flutter kicks, crunches.


Potential is a dangerous word.

In the mid 90’s a young Australian motorcycle road racer by the name of Anthony Gobert won the National Superbike Championship.  He was an extremely  gifted racer, fast on anything on two wheels he  thew a leg over. The nick name “The Go Show” stuck at an early age.   He potential was quickly spotted by the factory racing teams on the world stage, large contracts soon followed and at the age of 19 he won the first World Superbike race he ever entered.  Everyone around the sport assumed he was the next great racer of a generation and would have multiple world championships by the time he retired from the sport. An entertaining guy both on and off the track.

His story is a cautionary tale however.  He had all the talent and the best machinery at his disposal to obtain greatness in the sport. His poor work ethic and inner demons were his downfall. He was fired from race World superbike teams, MotoGP teams and AMA Superbike teams and had his racing licenses suspended multiple times due to failed drug tests. He once showed up to the first race of the year out of shape and overweight. He joked that he wanted to see how fat he could get and still win. After a number of years the baggage he brought to a team outweighed his talent and potential and the opportunities dried up. He won races but he never won or even came close to winning a major championship. Although he made millions of dollars over a decade long career he was reported to be homeless just a few years after his career ended. He spent some time in jail for robbery and drug related charges an a couple occasions.  The Go Show died last week of an undisclosed illness, he was only 48 years old.   Potential is a dangerous word.  It can make us lazy or complacent, It’s one of the reasons why good is the enemy of great.