F3 Medina
Mayhem in Medina
Fri., Feb. 21, 2025
Return of the Wall-E
Fri., Feb. 21, 2025 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
Round #1:
With a coupon PAX perform the followingin unison on PAX count without stop: 10 Curls For Girls, 10 High Pulls, 10 Overhead Presses, 10 Tricep Extensions, then drop coupon for 10 Merkins. Follow this up by a quick mosey to 50 and back for a brief upper body recovery. Rinse and Repeat 8 Times.
Round #2: EMOM –
Every Minute on the Minute PAX perform 10 LBC’s and 10 Merkins with Mod to Hand Release Merkin for final 5 rounds
Patience… Patience… Patience….. Shared with PAX that in the last 6-8 months now as I started planning for the cleanup of my Achilles and, what I thought was, speedy recovery, that I believe that God had a bit different plan for my on this journey…. I believe he wanted to instill some patience into my life and maybe, just maybe, Slow me down a bit day to day… I do fully believe that He does put challenges in front of us make us question “WHY” in our own minds. For our group,, Why Karrigan? Why Korey? Why Reagan???? For me, Why 4 more months to recover?? I’ll end with this… Simply put, His plan is bigger and better than ours…. He is preparing all of us daily for his work…. To love on people around us and to show His perfect love to them, without blame or judgment… the patience he is working on today with you will have a purpose in the future…. That is His promise….