F3 Medina

Mayhem in Medina

Fri., Mar. 1, 2024

All About the Benjamins

Fri., Mar. 1, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



PAX did 25 reps, lunge walked 25 yards, 25 reps, 25yards

Rds 1&2  OH Press and Merkins @Radio
Rds 3&4  Curls and Big Boys @Padre
Rds 5&6 Bent Row and SSH @Dash
Rds 7&8  Dips and Burpees (modified to Mnt. climbers) @Slow Pitch
Rds 9&10 Isometric Tricep kick-backs and Carolina Dry Docks @Wall-E


Around the horn, ten rep exercises, unless you’re @Slow Pitch.  He struggles with instructions.
Big Boys, LBCs, gas pumps, Dr. W, side crunches


I was sick Wednesday, and I thought a piece of chicken was to blame.  This led to a rousing text session with @Dash.  Turns out we both have the gut of a Billy Goat.    I texted @Dash later in the day, and told him that I would confirm if the chicken was the culprit, as I was having he second piece for lunch.  He said I was brave.  I told him my dad always told me I had more guts than brains.    I ate the chicken, and it ended up NOT being the culprit.  Moral of the story:  Waste not, want not.  John Lennon, Nobody Told Me say, “their starving back in China, so finish what you got!”    Which seems like as good an excuse as any to not waste food.