F3 Medina
Mayhem in Medina
Fri., Jul. 29, 2022
I Blame Roger Waters
Fri., Jul. 29, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
“I Blame Roger Waters” Beetdown saw @Squid @Padre @Wall-E @Picabo @Shugah @Garmin @Dash and @Churchill (Q) build 4 (?) Walls with coupons and various exercises sprinkled in. PAX carried 1-2 coupons and performed upper body station: merkins, dips, thruster/clean and press, rows, curls and some “high plank drag the coupon” exercise. Squid and Churchill discussed terminology and the different nomenclature of exercises in the US vs Europe .
Leg station and plyos were included and thankfully no one was hurt performing some sketchy exercises on somewhat unstable walls.
combined 20 rep crunches and air press with a 1 minute leg raise finisher