F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Tue., Mar. 7, 2023
Tue., Mar. 7, 2023 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina High School
Backblast: Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Rucking Around
AO: Medina High School
Time: 0552
Five PAX struck out on an uncharted course, while missing @Squealer, despite the fact that no rain was falling. @Picabo @Shugah @Padre @Dash @Radio took to the streets behind the high school with @Dash immediately feeling the pressure of @Radio talking up his conversation skills. Wouldn’t you know it? @Dash delivered! Turns out 5 gallons of gas poured onto a heaping hole of garbage can deliver the equivalent of a two handed shiver to the chest of an eight year-old. 💥 Who knew? @Picabo returned the the fray with his normal brilliant form. Upright, erect posture, and strides that any mortal would kill for,🚶♂️ not to mention he possesses a toilet🚽 that will suck down six billiard balls! 🎱 Impressive! @Padre was heard telling @Shugah tales of girls taking jobs at RJ Reynolds,🚬 and taking one step forward with one hand tied behind their back. Maybe I’m mixing something up here? 🤔 Lot’s of fun on this 3.01 mile jaunt.
I just took tomorrow, so I’ll see some of you in the Gloom!