F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Jun. 27, 2023

Medina Square

Tue., Jun. 27, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School



A six PAX headed out for some calorie burning, and problem solving over 3.2 miles of the most rugged terrain Medina has to offer.  According to the two ladies we passed, there was even a tree down…we did not investigate.    @Picabo @Dash @Cadet @Shugah @Padre @Radio all donned the vest of honor and carried their weight without issue.  @Padre, for the record, prefers a nice cushy ride, as opposed to overly tight suspension.  He’s looking for a new rig to take down to his Athens, TN retreat.  @Cadet got a promotion at work, and supplied some Metallica for our listening pleasure.  @Picabo was back after a prolonged absence, and made his presence felt with more discussion of wood, though not the type of wood we’re used to him talking about.  This was coffee tables and lumber jacking!  @Dash continues to amaze with untold stories of the Kemsuzian family.  Today was his oldest sister, the translator from foreign lands!  You honestly never know where @Dash is going to end up when he starts weaving a tale.  @Shugah was quiet this morning, which is always a bit scary.  I’m fairly certain that he’s having an internal discussion on how to “crush this bunch of old bastards” at his next Q.   @Radio remained in good spirits, despite aching joints and what he suspects is a massive transmission issue.