F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Jul. 6, 2023
Thu., Jul. 6, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School
Four PAX hit the trail for 3.2 miles of mugginess. @Shugah @Dash @Padre @Radio all stuck together for this morning’s conversation, and in light of that, there was nothing too over the top on the docket. People with strange names were briefly discussed. We turned to both college and pro football for a bit, as @Shugah is reasonably sure that the Browns are going to win the Super Bowl. I think he recently signed with them, as he kept referring to them as “we”. I hope he got tons of guaranteed money! @Padre says the Buckeyes are stacked this year, should have won the National Championship last year, and the refs screwed them out of at least 50 victories since 1997. @Dash and @Radio stayed relatively quiet, as we both contemplate the fact that even our 50s are slipping away.