F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Tue., Jul. 30, 2024
Tue., Jul. 30, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina Square
@Radio led off the morning by parking southbound on Court St., throwing everyone off, but resulting in fun, “Horn blows”, “So does the driver” exchange with @Dash at the gas station. @Wolowitz channeled his inner @Padre, and refused to go around the circle for fist bumps upon his arrival. Lots of germaphobes over at NASA. @Donkey not only put on his ruck sack, but also changed shoes for the event. No fungus on those feet! @Wall-E was busting everyone’s balls, but what else is new? @Music Man is still yet to use a guitar case as a ruck. How cool would that be? @McCracken picked up his 7/10 split, and @Modell defied the overcast conditions. @Churchill was just his normal, insightful self, and he even made talking about retirement, marriage, suicide, and broken dreams enjoyable. But saving the best for last, after great pressure was applied by @Radio (and probably others), it was great to see @Garmin out there this morning! Welcome back brother!