F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Tue., Aug. 6, 2024
The Atomic Bomb Edition
Tue., Aug. 6, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina High School
This ruck totally centered around @Modell. The guts, the perseverance, the tenacity, and the courage to overcome the sprinkles that were falling from the sky as we got back to the high school were awe inspiring to watch! You could just see his shirt starting to get damp, and the tops of his shoes were certainly showing droplets. It was tough! Way to stick it out brother! We’re all proud of you! Keeping this backblast exactly where it should be…around @Modell, he was singing the praises of the Cleveland Clinic in their care and diagnosis of his daughter, when @Redman says, “She can legally buy pot now.” To understand the comedic depth of this, one has to consider that the guy delivering the comment doesn’t even drink, AND the subject of the joke is…ONE! This might sound shallow to some of you, but @Dash and @Radio found it to be pure comedic gold.