F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Thu., Aug. 29, 2024

Lake Medina

Thu., Aug. 29, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina High School



Lots of good trail action today.  @Wolowitz reverted back to his old “engineer’s personality”, and refused to fist bump his way around the circle.  He might need a pregame coffee for these things.   He also passed me as I was walking my dog, post-ruck.  I yelled and waved, he just drove right by in his fancy Miata.    @Donkey@Garmin @Radio and @Shugah got in some pre-ruck fantasy football draft review which prompted @McCracken to make a Randall Cunningham reference!    Who saw that coming this morning?   The ruck itself gave @Radio a chance to catch up with @Shugah, which was long overdue.  I probably should have discussed more F3 related stuff, but as many of you know, the conversations with @Shugah take on a life of their own, and you just follow him down a psychological path that usually displays his thoughtfulness and is always thought provoking!    Speaking of great dudes, how freaking awesome is it to have @Garmin back in the fold on a regular basis?  Dude is a hard man!  I’m thinking of starting a pool on the exact date that @Dash will hit either a rucker or their vehicle as he pulls into the parking lot.   Can I get any takers?  $10 buy in, winner takes all.  If you haven’t witnessed it, it’s pretty impressive.  He usually ends up on two wheels, and misses the nearest car by less than 8 inches.