F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Oct. 10, 2023

Medina Square

Tue., Oct. 10, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School



Holy crap, it’s a Rucking Record of Ten PAX!!!  @Squealer @Cadet @Picabo @Garmin @Dykes @Shugah @Churchill @Dash @Brutus @Radio made it 3.27 miles, and didn’t lose anyone.  With this many people, it was a little tough to pick up on individual conversations, but here’s what I got out of it:  @Squealer is making some great headway in getting our Rt. 18/Medina Lake light installed.  So far he’s only had to volunteer us for 186 community service hours.  It’s just great to have @Picabo back, and the man hug that @Brutus gave him really had me choking back the tears! @Dykes was leaning heavily on @Shugah, as he hadn’t gotten everything out yet from yesterday’s COT.  @Cadet declared that if we get invaded, and he hears bomb sirens, he’s rolling over, and going back to sleep.  @Garmin hit the streets with his weighted vest on, just hoping to run into some guys with weighted vests on.  Look how that worked out!  @Churchill was bored, as no implements were used in this ruck.  @Dash had a highly successful race weekend,  and with Sybil-like commitment, is leaning towards racing next year.  @Radio sent one kid back to college yesterday, and the other turns 15 today.  He spent his ruck wondering how the hell he got so old.