F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Oct. 31, 2023


Tue., Oct. 31, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina Square



Four uncostumed PAX Rucked 3.25 miles, led by their loser Q, who didn’t event think to take the cemetery route on Halloween! @Shugah @Padre @Dash and loser Q @Radio had no reason to be frightened, unless they were afraid of deer and rabbits.   
The conversation started innocently enough, as @Dash‘s thrashing of @Radio in fantasy football was the opening salvo.  Why does Patrick Mahomes blow so bad this year?  @Shugah thinks it’s a Taylor Swift thing, which led to an interesting sidebar about how the NBA handles celebrities in the crowd far better than the NFL does.  @Radio unleashed his Mike Tyson at Madison Square Garden story as an example.  Come out and ruck with us sometime, and you too can learn the kindness of Iron Mike (shameless carrot dangling).  The apartment complex turn broke us up into two camps, The Hard 75 guys discussed the best vegetables to puree in your blender, while abstaining from alcohol.   The over 50, but still hard guys talked about the pros and cons of legalizing pot, and how alcohol  enhances the general effect of said herb, or something like that. 
I brought a Pretzel Crunch bar for @Cadet this morning, but he didn’t show.   I think that’s what threw me off my cemetery route.  At least that’s my story.