F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Dec. 5, 2023

Roscoe Ewing Park

Tue., Dec. 5, 2023 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Roscoe Ewing Park (Guilford Blvd. Lot)



Seven PAX hit the trail to the theme of Reefer Madness!  @Dash @Padre @Shugah @Dykes @Churchill @CHiP @Radio broke into two groups early.  While even the back group was ahead of our normal pace, the front posse of @Dash @Padre @Shugah and @Dykes had smoke coming off their shoes.  It was a strange morning, as we had not one, but two HC no-shows, @Uniballer and @Cadet (who is closing in on @Squealer for the HC no-show lead), and one PAX who showed, despite no reply to the preblast, @Churchill.  A bit passed halfway, @Dykes blew a tire, and had to fall back with the burner kids.  He let us know that the front group was talking about legalized marijuana.  Coincidentally, that was a conversation with the burnout kids in back as well!  @CHiP was a valuable resource on this front, but not as valuable as @Padre, as he and @Shugah discussed the metabolic effects of cannabis on the human body, and whether or not the 75 Hard board has a testing program in effect.  @Dykes also filled us in on his latest ad printing venture, which involved…Christie’s!  Sometime next week we should all be receiving out BOGO lap dance coupons!  Thanks @Dykes!  Congratulations to @Shugah, who just cleared the 405 post mark, which is truly uncharted territory for us (and probably most AOs, I would think).  7 miles before the ruck today!  Unbelievable!  Continued prayers for @French Lick‘s nephew Xander.  Hoping the power of prayer can deliver a miracle.  @Churchill put in the shop order for the mudgear, you just have to specify boxers or briefs.