F3 Medina


Sun., Oct. 2, 2022

For Time

Sun., Oct. 2, 2022 / 06:30 am - 08:00 am / Horse Trailer Parking Lot / Carriage Trail



Obstacles – 2 rounds for time:

  • 5 hill runs w/ burpee at top and bottom
  • inverted push ups on rope X 5
  • back/ab extensions on bench X 5
  • box jumps on landscaping tiers X 5with burpee before each one
  • 60lb boulder over the shoulder X 5 each side
  • pull up / pull up to extension / over under weave / dip / dip walk / dip on bars
  • 10 boulder pushes




Super sets

  • Double crunches / boat / hammers / boat / double crunches without rest (25 each)
  • High plank / low plank / high plank / right side / right side low / low plank / high plank / left side / left side low / low plank / high plank (20s each)