F3 Medina


Sun., Oct. 16, 2022


Sun., Oct. 16, 2022 / 06:30 am - 08:00 am / Horse Trailer Parking Lot / Carriage Trail



Obstacle course (modified)

– 5 hill runs with
burpee at top and bottom
– Farmers carry kettlebell to next station
– 5 incline merks w/ 5s hold
– 5 decline merks w/ 5s hold
– 5 merks w/ 5s hold
– 5 picnic table
big boys (bottom to mid)
– 5 picnic table big boys (mid to top)
– 5 picnic table big boys (full)
– Burpee / box jumps x 5
– Farmers carry kettlebell to next station
– Lift and toss kettlebell over shoulder without using the handle – 5 each shoulder
– Farmers carry kettlebell to next station
– 5 pull ups
– 5 bar ups/extensions
– Dip walk across even bars
– 15 kettlebell swings
– 15 deadlifts
– Farmers carry kettlebell to next station
– 5 hill runs


(25 of each)
– crunches
– Ab airplanes
– crunch/gas pump
– Side plank dips (L/R)
– Supermans
– Crunches
– Boat
– Freddie Mercs (Slow/Fast)