F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Jan. 13, 2024


Sat., Jan. 13, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / AI Root Middle School



Dynamics and Static stretches to get or stay warmed up!


PAX followed their fearless leader through all sorts of shit up and down the field. Starting at the West end zone, we shuttle ran to the 40 yds, then completed some forward jumps over the 5 hurdles, bear crawled for about 30 more yds, completed 10squats at every additional 10 yds remaining while we side shuffled back and forth from the hash mark. Q took a short detour to chase after his roller again. Upon reaching the East end we performed two sets of inverted rows under the East bleachers and put our balls to the walls of the field house for about 45 sec.  We then doubled back through the mobility drills in reverse – originally it was going to be some bleacher runs but that was changed due to safety concerns with the weather. Upon reaching the West end zone, each PAX grabbed his coupon and rifle carried it around the West turn of the track – we stopped for a break halfway through to complete 2 additional sets of 15 reps of inverted rows under the West bleachers. Then PAX resumed rifle carry until we filed in at the other side of the West end zone. PAX Murder-bunnied down the field, completing sets of 10 reps (IC) at every 10 yard interval:
10 – Derkins
10 – Curls for the girls
10- OH press
10- Triceps
10- Chest press
10 – Bent row
10- Right arm lawnmower
10- Left arm lawnmower
10- Cross arm forward raises
East end zone 10- Manmakers (OYO)
PAX then walked coupons back across the field to the shed.We ended the calisthenics with the Chumbaburpee – Listening to the song Tub Thumpin’ by Chumbawumba, PAX completed a burpee every time they sang “I get knocked down!” for a total of 27 burpees over 3:21 length of the song. As a present to y’all I dispensed with the ‘running in place’ throughout the portions of the song where we rested.


Circle of Pain 10-count exercise from each PAX – Freddie Mercs, Dr. Ws, Slow 8-count crunches, LBCs, Single Leg Pickle Pointers, Slow side scissors, Supermans at a (3)4-count, Ground-pounders, and Crunchy Frogs.


You’re never too old and you’re never too young (so long as you’re 18 in this group) to offer your support and advice. I appreciate every man who has reached out to his brother in this group! We are here for each other to support one another. I shared what @Snugglebug had mentioned in a previous conversation he and I had…and I’m summarizing the gist of the story. He offered me advice on my faith life and some much needed brotherly support. He prefaced it with a comment akin to “I know I’m young and maybe I don’t have much to offer you with all you’re dealing with.” Young/Old/Somewhere in the middle….it’s all a spectrum. Your words were well received, little brother. I appreciate our conversation. Reach out to your brothers, you never know what is going to stick with them. I think for the most part, the act of reaching out is what matters the most.