F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Jan. 14, 2023
Hell Track
Sat., Jan. 14, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
9 Pax showed this morning in anticipation of a crowd cheering us on at “Hell Track”. When @Shugah @Radio @Squealer @Squid @Dash @Padre @Garmin @Wall-E and @Rad (lead Cru Jones) arrived we quickly realized it wasn’t 70 and sunny like the movie. Lori Loughlin didn’t show (maybe prison…maybe snow delay). The track wasn’t prepped and the bleachers were iced over. Everyone quickly stepped up and decided the snow can’t slow down our morning race. @Wall-E had been prepared with a snow shovel to help kick off our morning.
Started with a good ol’ fashion warm up with a warm up Mosey around the track.
Lined up coupons along the goal line and started to blast some of the sound track to the movie Rad along with some other great cheesy 80’s music. Started off with rounds of…Berkins x15
Curls x15
Squats x15Lunged walked to the 20 yard line. There about under the snow.
Dropped to some bicycles x30
Moseyed back to the goal lineBerkins x15
Presses x15
Squats x15Lunged walked to the 40 yard line or there about under the snow.
Dropped to do bicycles x35
Moseyed back to the goal lineBerkins x15
Squats x15
Presses x15Lunged walked to the opposite 40 thereabout could find under the snow.
Dropped to do bicycles x40.
Moseyed back to the goal line.Berkins x15
Presses x15
Curls x15Lunged walked to the opposite 20yard line we actually found it.
Dropped to do 45 bicycles
Moseyed back to the goal line.Berkins x15
Squats x15
Curls x15Lunged walked to the opposite goal line. Quickly to learn @Shugah had been bear crawling the whole time. With the snow gear, being partially dark out and snowy. We thought he was Rocky from Rocky 4 ( @Radio corrected me) not being Rocky 3.Once we stopped at the opposite goal. We proceeded to get our racing on the track on with an Indian Run (Native American for @Padre) for a lap an half.
We all celebrated with a podium finish with a round of Circle of Pain (COP).
“If you want to experience all the success and pleasure in life you have to willing to accept all the pain and failure that comes with it” –
Mat Hoffman.