F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Feb. 15, 2025
Sat., Feb. 15, 2025 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
- Shoulders/Triceps
- Arm Circles
- Turn and Bounce
- Tappy Taps
- Legs
- Flamingos
PAX circled up in the West End Zone. We performed 8 exercises X20 reps each:
- OH Press
- Curls
- Bent Rows
- Dips
- LBC’s
- Merkins
- Mtn. Climbers
- Bonnie Blairs
After each round we did a yoga pose for recovery. Rinse and Repeat
LBC’s – left, center, right
High/Low Plank
Thermometer v. Thermostat
Thermometer: Only measures the existing temperature, passively reflecting the surrounding conditions without influencing them.
Thermostat: Sets a desired temperature and actively works to maintain it, impacting the environment around it.
- Leadership – a leader sets the temperature by establishing positive values and expectations, shaping the team’s culture.
- Parenting – responding to a child’s emotions and setting clear boundaries, rather than simply reacting to their mood swings.
- Social Situations – Intentionally bringing a positive energy to a group, influencing the overall mood, instead of being swayed by others negativity.
“Be a thermostat, not a thermometer”