F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Feb. 24, 2024
Sat., Feb. 24, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
stretches and stuff
Pax lined up on the goal line, and did various exercises for 5 minute intervals
Going till failure, and on failure they had 4 options on how they could traverse the field
- Bear crawl to the 25 and back
- Walk to the 50 and back
- Mosy to the 75 and back
- Sprint to the goal line and walk/mosy back
On returning to the start point, pax would resume exercise and go till failure again, rinsing and repeating till the exercise changedIn total PAX did
- Merkins
- Squats
- Curls
- Chest press
- lunges
went in a circle and did 20 reps of a core exercise
- Dr. W’s
- Side planks
- LBC’s
- Flutter kicks
- fast Freddie Mercs
- Slow Freddie Mercs
- American Hammers
- Big boys
Be the Bridge
Ive been asking for prayers for a friend of mine whose struggling with drug addiction. We’ve recently had a bit of a falling out after getting into some arguments. I want the best for my friend, and it’s hard to see someone you love continue to hurt their health when you want to help them. We both said some harsh things, and for all I know I might not be able to get that relationship back. Instead of seeing his hurt and anger I reacted with my own, not being there for him as I should have been. We never know peoples situations or what they are dealing with, and for all we know we could be a last bridge for someone struggling. I would encourage everyone to be that bridge for people. Regardless of what others do, we do have control of how we act and react in situations.