F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Feb. 25, 2023

Leg o Rama

Sat., Feb. 25, 2023 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



A tight knit group of 5 PAX CAPPED the week off with a Leg-o-Rama beatdown that will see it return in the future…@Shugah @Radio @Dash @Garmin and @Wall-E (Q) were present

The Workout:
Using the main stadium set of bleachers the PAX worked through the exercises below on the 8 staircases followed by a mosey to West Endzone for 20 Air Squats/ 2 Failure to Launch Reps and a backwards run to East Endzone and repeat:
Staicase #1: Coupon Carry
Staircase #2: Coupon Carry
Staircase #3: 3 step lunge fwd/backward
Staircase #4: right side step
Staircase #5 Left Side Step
Staircase #6: Reverse lunge
Staicase #7: Coupon Carry
Staircase #8: Coupon Carry
After 35 minutes transitioned to some Yoga and finished with a round of Mary