F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Mar. 5, 2022
Cluster Fun 2
Sat., Mar. 5, 2022 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
- Side Straddle Hops (25 count)
- Neck
- Arm Circles
- Triceps/Shoulders
- Tippy Taps
- Flamingos
- Bear Stretch/Calves
- Lap around outside of field
The Thang: Cluster “Fun” Reboot
PAX planked at mid-field, half on each side. First PAX called out a number (either 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50) and an exercise. The number represents the number of yards to run back toward the goal line and the number of reps. Example: “20 – Merkins”. PAX ran 20 yards, performed 20 merkins, then back to the goal line and held plank. Rotated through three rounds of each PAX calling out the number and exercise. Exercises completed:
– Merkins (60 Reps)
– Pike Merkins (40 Reps)
– Dips (40 Reps)
– LBC’s (40 Reps)
– One Leg Squats (15 Each Leg)
– Side Tri Raises (10 each side)
– Bear Crawl (20 Yards each Forward/Backward)
– Big Boys (30 Reps)
– Flutter Kicks (50 Reps)
– Inch Worm (20 Yards)
– Plank Shoulder Taps (40 Reps)
– Burpees (40 Reps)
Approximately 900 yards of running
Breakthroughs often come right after the moments you wanted to quit, but didn’t.