F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Mar. 16, 2024

Six Stations of Terror

Sat., Mar. 16, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



West End Zone, stretches, and some long awaited Sun Salutations


What, on paper, looked like a nice easy Saturday, turned into hell on turf.  PAX paired up and started at various stations, which included 25 OH Press, 10 Manmakers, 25 Merkins, 25 Squats, 10 Burpees, 25 curls.  PAX mosied the 50 yards between stations, except Merkins to Squats and Curls to OH Press, these were 50 yard Bear Crawls.


Jim Braddocks x15 on a 4 count, American Hammers x15 on a 4 count, Flutter kicks x15 on a 4 count, LBCs x30


Learn to forgive, as it lightens the load on your heart!